How to enable Custom Pay Codes

Mel Clark
23 Oct, 2023 - Updated 9 months ago

How to enable Custom Pay Codes

Examples of Custom Pay Codes are Jury Duty, Bereavement, Travel, Covid Sick Time, Etc. 
Activate the Custom Pay Codes Feature as seen below.


Once activated, you will be brought into the settings area.

Click on + Add New Pay Code Option


The Custom Pay Codes feature allows you to create additional pay codes for use in TimeTrakGO. These additional pay codes could also be made available in the Time Off Center for request and approval. Additionally, you can also enable them for PTO Accrual Tracking to keep track of the available, committed, and taken hours. 

  • Pay Code Name: Used for the Pick LIsts in TimeTrakGO Max Length 12 Characters (Vacation)

  • Description: Longer description for the pay code (Hourly Vacation Time)

  • Pay Code: Short Code or "Payroll code" (VAC)

  • Color: Custom color for use in Time & Hours and the Time Off Center

  • Enabled for PTO Tracking: Enables pay code for use in the Accruals and Time Off Center Add-ons

  • Hidden: Once a pay code has been used, it can no longer be removed, use this option to "HIDE" it from lists.

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