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What if my payroll service is not listed?

Understanding Employee Payroll ID and Pass to Payroll

Brian Zurawski
29 Jan, 2024 - Updated 5 months ago

Understanding Employee Payroll ID and Pass to Payroll

Employee Payroll ID

Many payroll services require a payroll ID.  This is usually a unique employee ID generated from the payroll service. The TimeTrakGO Payroll ID field allows you to enter the payroll employee number or "ID" used when creating an export. 


Pass to Payroll 

Sometimes it is necessary to prevent employees from passing to the payroll service during the payroll interface creation. This is typical for temporary employees who are paid by the temp agency, salaried employees, or System Admins.  This can easily be done by disabling the pass to payroll option found in the user's profile.  

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