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February 2022 Important Changes to User Management

Brian Zurawski
21 Jun, 2022 - Updated 2 years ago

February 2022 Important Changes to User Management

TimeTrakGO - Important Update Information
In the coming days, we will be releasing a TimeTrakGO update that may impact how users are entered into TimeTrakGO. For the majority of our customers, this update will streamline the process of adding users into the system while enhancing security and usability.
Under this update, not all users will be required to have a Login. For example, employees who only use the virtual time clock kiosk no longer need a Login ID, Email Address, or Password. The new requirement for these users is just their First and Last Name.
The Users that would require a login are: Supervisors, GO Clock Users, Mobile App Users, and Administrators.
As a part of this update, the password field has been completely removed from the user's section. Users that are designated to have a login will also now have a requirement of an email address in order to invite them to use the product.
This update will greatly increase the security of your TimeTrakGO application while providing a secure and easy method for any user to be able to reset their password.
What's changing:
    • New user list
    • The password requirement for all users has been removed
    • Any user that "log's in" to TimeTrakGO with a Login ID and Password is also required to have an email
    • Invitations to TimeTrakGO will now have a 96-hour expiration
    • New Password status to indicate if the user has accepted their invitation or not

What this means to you:
• If all of your users already have an email address, no action is necessary. 
• If your users do not have an email address and your method of clocking is the Kiosk, you can disable the login feature for your users. (SHOW ME)
 If your users do not have an email but they are using the mobile app, GO Clock, or they are set up as a supervisor they will now be required to have an email address. 

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