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Time Card Report Available Reports

GPS User Location Map Report

Mel Clark
3 Oct, 2023 - Updated 9 months ago

GPS User Location Map Report

On the Reports page, in the Time Card category, select User Location, then select User Location Map from the Reports drop-down list.
The user location report is actually a GPS Map report that can be filtered by user or date ranges. 

 Clicking on any of the map markers will display additional information for the punch. This information includes the User Name, Punch Type, Paydate, Punch Date/Time, and the GPS Coordinates. 

Traditional map controls such as zoom in\out or satelite view also exists. 

When more than one punch exists at the same location, it will be indicated with a number as seen below. Clicking on this number will attempt to zoom in even closer. If the map is already at full zoom, it will expand the group to list all employees to clocked in at that location.  


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