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Device Authorization

Mel Clark
9 Oct, 2024 - Updated 3 months ago

How to enable device authorization

Clock Device Authorization is available as a Free Feature which will prevent unauthorized devices from having the ability to clock IN or OUT.  

This feature will allow you to restrict which computers (devices) your employees can use to clock IN or OUT. Options Include:

  • Employee to their computer

  • Any employee to a specific computer

  • Employee to a specific IP address

  • Any employee at a specific IP address

  • White list a specific employee to use any device at any location

Below are a few common uses of Device Authorization

  • Dedicate 1 specific computer as the "Time Clock"

  • Allow all employees within a specific building to clock in\out

  • Allow a specific employee to clock in\out from anywhere 

  • Prevent employees from using a home computer or cell phone to clock in\out

Device Authorization is a FREE Feature and can be enabled in our Feature Manager under Clocking options

To enable  Device Authorizations click the Activate Button. 

Once activated, you will need to configure the Feature by clicking on the Settings Button.

All new users will need to request authorization if their computer or location has not already been approved. 

Approving or Denying Pending Requests:
Upon a new user's requests for authorization, they will appear in the Pending List. For our example, we will look at user Robert Smith using Google Chrome on an office computer.  Approval options for pending requests include the following choices:

  • Allow Robert Smith from that Device

  • Allow any user from that Device

  • Allow Robert Smith from that IP

  • Allow any user from that IP

  • Allow Robert Smith from any Device or IP

  • Help me decide


In the examples above you can see the following terms
Device: The web-browser accessing GO Clock or a Kiosk
IP: Is the public IP of that location. 

  • Allow Robert Smith from that Device (Google Chrome running on his computer)

    • Only Robert Smith will be able to clock In or Out from that device

  • Allow any user from that Device (Google Chrome running on his computer)

    • Any User can clock In or Out from that device

  • Allow Robert Smith from that IP

    • Robert Smith can clock In or Out from any computer at that site (Public IP Address)

  • Allow any user from that IP

    • Any user can clock In or Out from  any computer at that site (Public IP Address)

  • Allow Robert Smith from any Device or IP

    • Robert Smith can clock In or Out from Anywhere on Any Device

Requests also contain additional information to help you decide, such as the Date & Time of the request, the user who requested access, their Public IP Address, and a MAP with a GPS location if we have it. 
Important Note: - GPS Data may be approximate and not exact if the user's device or computer does not have GPS enabled, such as an office or home computer. 

Once a request has been approved it will be moved to the Approved Tab and will be marked as "Approved"

If needed, approved requests can be changed to Denied by clicking on the Deny button.

If there are Denied Requests, they will appear on the Rejected Tab. 

If needed, rejected requests can be changed to Approved by selecting the appropriate option.

Learning Mode
Learning mode, when enabled, will record where your employees are clocking IN or OUT from, but NOT prevent them from clocking IN or OUT.  Once disabled, all recent devices used to clock in and out will appear here for approval.

 Once Learning Mode is Disabled, employees will no longer have the ability to Clock In or Out until the permission is given (see Approving or Denying Pending Requests above). All new users will need to request authorization if their computer or location has not already been approved. 

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