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Reactivating an Archived User

Brian Zurawski
23 May, 2022 - Updated 2 years ago

Reactivating an Archived User

How to reactivate an archived user

1. In User Management, locate your Archived User by clicking on "Archived" found in the middle of the Status buttons

    - Selecting "Archived" will show you all users that have been archived

2. Further narrow your search results by typing the user's name in the Search... field

3. Select the user you wish to reactivate
    - In the System Management tab, change the user's status from Archived to Active
    - Double check the user's information and settings, then be sure to hit Save once you've finished, so all of your changes are sure to save in your system

We recommend sending out a new email invite to the user to change their password before logging in for the first time once again

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