Articles in this section
Enabling Time Off Requests How to submit a PTO request from the time clock kiosk. How to submit a PTO request from a web-login How to approve or deny PTO requests How a user can remove PTO Request

How to remove a PTO Request

Mel Clark
3 Oct, 2023 - Updated  1 year ago

How to remove a PTO Request

No longer need a requested PTO day, no problem! Follow the simple steps below to remove a PTO Request.
1) The employee who requested the PTO Day will need to access their system, go into the "Time-Off Center", and click on the requested date seen on the calendar.

2) Once the employee has opened the requested date from the calendar, they will then open this box (as seen below) Just click on the red "Remove" button. A request for the PTO to be removed will then be sent to the Administrator. 

3) Next, the Administrator will need to log into their system and go into the "Time-Off Center", they will see that they have a "Pending" request. The administrator will then click on "Review All" and will be able to open that employee's request. Once they have opened their request they can remove the PTO Day by clicking on the red "Remove" button, as seen below.

4) Once the Administrator has removed the PTO request, it will then be cleared from the Time-Off Calendar and the employees requested time off will be added back into their PTO Accruals totals.
When the employee logs back into their system they will see that the removed PTO Request is removed from the calendar, as seen below. 


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